Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel on Friday called on the Democratic National Committee to explain its ties to controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

McDaniel asked DNC chair Tom Perez to address Deputy Chairman Keith Ellison’s “pattern of lies” surrounding his relationship with Louis Farrakhan, who made headlines recently for anti-Semitic remarks made in his Saviours’ Day 2018 address to the Nation of Islam.

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"Keith Ellison’s long pattern of lies about his ongoing relationship with Louis Farrakhan, who the Anti-Defamation League calls 'America’s leading anti-Semite,' has put a stain on the Democrat Party," McDaniel wrote. "Anti-Semitism has no place in American politics, Tom Perez must address this issue."

Ellison says he has denounced Farrakhan, but the Washington Post said Ellison has met privately with Farrakhan and has attended events with him a few times over the last few years. Ellison has not made any recent statements about his relationship with Farrakhan lately.

Calls for Ellison to denounce Farrakhan have increased since his recent address to members of the Nation of Islam, during which Farrakhan declared that "the powerful Jews” are his “enemy” and blamed people of Jewish faith for “all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out, turning men into women and women into men.”

The controversial leader also claimed that “white people are going down” in the speech which was largely brought to light through excerpts shared on Twitter

Third-Highest House Democrat James Clyburn Shared Stage With Louis Farrakhan, Now Refuses To Denounce

Third-Highest House Democrat James Clyburn Shared Stage With Louis Farrakhan, Now Refuses To Denounce (

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